Although Women in Construction week is technically over, it's important to recognize that this is an accomplishment that we should carry with us all year long. This industry is challenging on so many levels and our strength is in our differences.
In case you missed us during WIC Week, below is a recap our WIC Week Wellness presenters. Please support them by following them on social media and sharing their posts!

Monday 3.8.21
Workout with Member Coach Ro Dziubla! Start your week off with your heart pumping in this 30 minute fitness class.

Tuesday 3.9.21
Managing Seasons of Stress with Heidi Beucher, acupuncturist. In this presentation, we will explore different ways to help our bodies shed stress as well as how the seasons can impact our health. Acupressure points, foods, and activities to alleviate your stress will be covered. Please bring questions!

Wednesday 3.10.21
Stand Strong Self Defense Demo Course.

Thursday 3.11.21
With the pandemic still looming, so many things are up in the air and it is overwhelming to manage and plan. Join us as life coach and founder of Blush, Elise Dean, presents tips and advice in her session: Surviving Uncertainty

Friday 3.12.21
Slough off Stress with Heather Fraelick, Body work and Massage. A myofascial release and energy healing class that helps release tension from the physical and energetic bodies.